Center Diamond on Google Maps
Center Diamond is located in the Midtown portion of Cannon Beach, at 1065 S. Hemlock (the corner of
Gower and Hemlock).
From the North:
Take I-5 South to Washington exit 36. Follow the signs to Hwy. 30; once on Hwy. 30, drive
approximately 45 miles to US 101 in Astoria. Continue south on Highway 101 approximately 30 miles to Cannon Beach. Pass the first entrance and take the second entrance that says "Cannon Beach, Sunset Blvd." Take Sunset
Blvd to Hemlock, then turn right and go north 2 blocks to Center Diamond.
From the South:
Take Hwy. 101 north to Cannon Beach. Take the Sunset Blvd / Beach Loop exit (past the RV resort,
under the bridge). This will put you on Sunset Blvd. Take Sunset Blvd to Hemlock, then turn right and go north 2 blocks to Center Diamond.
From Portland:
Take Sunset Hwy. (US 26) to Oregon Coast Hwy 101. Continue south on Highway 101 approximately 4
miles to Cannon Beach. Pass the first entrance and take the second entrance that says "Beach Loop, Sunset Blvd." Take Sunset Blvd to Hemlock, then turn right and go north 2 blocks to Center Diamond
toll-free: (888) 305-0854
local: (503) 436-0833
Mailing Address
Center Diamond
1065 S Hemlock St, Box 997
Cannon Beach, Oregon 97110, USA